Midsummer-impressions from the Castle Rudolfshausen Garden
The non-profit garden culture center Schloss Rudolfshausen is a section of the non-profit cultural and educational association Admacum e.V.
Our experimental permaculture cultivation shows it: you can mix a well-tended castle garden with an overgrown permaculture garden and thus create your very own ecological garden symbiosis that resembles a divine cornucopia. This brings you a big step closer to self-sufficiency with natural, vitamin-rich greens, fruit and vegetables – our goal. Humans can learn to understand nature better, to treat it with respect and to subordinate themselves to the wisdom of nature.

Guiding motto for our garden philosophy:
- Permaculture – free of pesticides and herbicides,
- mixed culture – no monoculture,
- Create an ecosystem in the garden – „weed“ and „pest plagues“ are a thing of the past,
- As a gardener, intervene as little as possible in the growth and care of the plants – let the plants do their own thing.
- Having to move away from daily or constant watering – no more bare earth, but covered soil with a carpet of plants.
- This creates an unbelievable abundance of edibles in the garden: berries of all kinds, greens of all kinds, wild herbs, culinary herbs, edible herbs, fruit of all kinds, vegetables of all kinds.
With the following photos we want to guide you through our castle garden for the midsummer festival and inspire you to discover the beauty and wisdom of nature, because it is balm for the mind, soul and body of people.

We have given our permaculture garden a new name: Divine Abundance Garden, because we can enjoy the abundance that “falls at our feet” almost everywhere in the garden. And despite a tight work program, there is always time to pause and say a little prayer of thanks. And of course, a tea break by the pond or outdoor seating should not be missing …
Your plant fairies
Helene und Alexandra Walterskirchen
